Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm so excited to be starting this new blog, and am so glad you made it here to take a look! I hope you like what you see (or, in this case, read) and will subscribe to my blog.

While there are many joys to be had in this calling, life as a wife and mother can be (let's face it)...hard, draining, frustrating, overwhelming, consuming, unnerving (I think I've discovered nerves I never knew existed). That's where this blog comes in! I hope to encourage, motivate, help, energize, pray for, and inspire you to serve your family, while at the same time entertain you with the goings on of the blessed life God has given me.

I have an assignment for you, although it's more like a reward from your child. If you don't have one already, come up with an "I love you" saying with your child(ren) that is only between you and them. My parents did this with me, and I now say the same thing to my children..."I love you up to the sky and back down forever." Hearing my daughter say that back to me can't help but melt my heart and I temporarily forget that earlier in the day she cut up the dried rose petals my husband gave me 14 years ago, used markers in her bed that morning (I'll let your imagination run with that), just barely missed making it to the potty on time, and picked a scab on her knee I told her a thousand times not to touch so now there's blood on her sheets in addition to the marker stains.

It's amazing what those three little words, "I love you", can do! And saying them in a fun way that's just between you and them makes it even more special. I'd love for you to leave a comment and share with me and others if you and your child(ren)...or even you and your husband...have a special way of saying "I love you" to each other. If you don't already have one, feel free to steal any of the ideas you read here.


  1. Lesley, I'm so excited about your blog! The background is beautiful and I can't wait to read more. Blessings on your new endeavor.

  2. This looks fantastic Lesley :)
    I am very excited for you, I don't know how you find the time to do everything that you do... you are inspiring!

  3. Thanks for the encouraging words! I've been wanting to get this going for about the last four months, so I'm excited to finally have the time to do it...we'll see, Shellie, if I'm able to keep the time to stay updated and get everything else done. As a mom, I know you can relate. Next month may be a whole different story. :)
